New Member of Garuda Indonesia : Boeing 777-300ER


Selasa, 2 Juli 2013. Hari bersejarah bagi Garuda Indonesia, karena kedatangan anggota baru dalam jajaran armadanya, yaitu Boeing 777-300ER, sekaligus peluncuran layanan First Class Garuda Indonesia. Pesawat B 777-300ER pertama ini beregistrasi PK-GIA, MSN 40074. Armada Garuda sebelumnya adalah Boeing 737-800, Airbus A330 (seri -200 dan -300), serta Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen.

Acara Welcoming Newest Member of Garuda Indonesia : Boeing 777-300ER bertempat di Hangar 2 Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia, dihadiri oleh jajaran direksi dan pegawai Garuda Indonesia, menteri, tamu undangan, dan juga pers.

Thank God, saya mendapat undangan mewakili Indoflyer bersama dr. Arif Rahmat Muharram berkesempatan menghadiri acara ini. Berangkat dari Bandung memakai Primajasa dan tiba di Garuda City Center pukul 18.00.

Venue acara mulai diramaikan oleh tamu undangan, berkonsep serba hitam yang mewah.

Sisi kanan dan kiri venue tersedia mini bar, menyediakan minuman dingin dan wine.

Merapat ke bar di sisi kiri venue, saya mencoba white wine. Great taste!

Kami akhirnya duduk di sisi kanan venue, bergabung bersama undangan lainnya. Setiap tempat duduk sudah tersedia snack, same packaging as inflight did.

The show is rolling. Dibuka dengan preview armada Garuda Indonesia dari masa ke masa.

Tiba waktunya penyambutan armada baru Garuda, Direktur Utama Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah Satar bersama Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan, Menteri Perindustrian RI MS Hidayat, Menteri Perhubungan RI E. Mangindaan, Menkominfo RI Tifatul Sembiring, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif RI Mari Elka Pangestu bersama-sama menekan trigger pembuka tirai.

Introducing new First Class Service

First Class seats

Luxurious Super First Class seat, also wine services

Authentic Indonesian Food and more serving onboard

all you can experienced in The First Class Garuda Indonesia

as the light coming out, Flight Attendants and the Chef On Board appeared in line.
They showcased the new colour, Maitre d'Cabin, positioned to be motivator and adviser.

Please welcome, Boeing 777-300ER!

Permainan cahaya dan video mapping menambah gegap gempita acara malam itu.
Jawdropping moment!

Dari dalam pesawat, salah satu diva Indonesia, Rossa keluar menyanyikan lagu Kebanggaanku, Theme Song Garuda Indonesia

Fashion Show dari perancang busana Indonesia Didiek Budiardjo, Chossy Latu

Rossa terus bernyanyi mengiringi fashion show. Ia membawakan lagu-lagu daerah yang diaransemen oleh Andi Rianto

Now, let's take a look inside the aircraft, Boeing 777-300ER PK-GIA.

The Powerplants : One of two General Electric GE90-115B1

The fuselage. What the longest aircraft that i've ever seen!

The main door of PK-GIA. Please notice how to operate the door.

Our first step on Boeing 777-300ER. That would be unforgettable!

Greeted by Captain Hary, who commanded the ferry flight from Seattle (SEA) to Narita (NRT)

Let's visit the cockpit. And... this is it!

I must have a photobombing here :p

Before entering the First Class, Chef On Board Irwan Lander and Maitre d'Cabin Titien greeted warmly. We had a conversation about what a chef do onboard, and maitre d'cabin jobdesk.

The First Class seat and features.

The blanket, pillow, and the cover made from goose feathers.
The First Class comes in 1-2-1 configuration. Consists of 8 private seats.

Photobombing in First Class with a Flight Service Manager

Let's move to the New Executive Class (J Class)
Come with a new design, color, pattern, and a seatbelt that we usually use while driving a car.

This New J Class comes in 1-2-1 configuration.
Consists of 38 seats.

Let's feel how to be an Executive Class paxes for a while.

Now welcome to the Economy Class
Consists of 258 seats in 3-3-3 configuration.

In my opinion, the seat is now wider, and has a plenty of legroom.
No worry for your knees for a longhaul flight.
They also come in a new pattern. Not so different with the existing Economy seats in another aircrafts.

Now we're in the end of the cabin.
This is L5 door. This aircraft has 5 exits each side.

The Galley, quite wider than the A330s have.

Let's disembark and compare ourselves with this BIG aircraft.
The raked wingtip, ultimate design and special feature in Boeing 777-300ER.
We can also meet this stuff on Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental.

This is me and the engine. Biggest ever seen!

Hug the nosewheel, one of my tradition when I met my "special-emotional-attached" aircraft.

And, comparing our heights. Okay, GIA, you win it absolutely!

That's our end of the tour!
Decak kagum, rasa syukur, degup jantung, riak bulu roma, bayangan memori terus menerus seiring perjalanan pulang saya ke rumah.
Hadir dalam acara ini adalah suatu kesempatan yang belum pernah terpikirkan sama saya.
Suatu anugerah dari Tuhan untuk bisa merasakan ini semua dan menjadi bagian dari sebuah catatan sejarah maskapai penerbangan Indonesia.

Di akhir acara, kami diberikan bingkisan sebuah goodie bag First Class.
Isinya ada notebook, flashdisk, replika Boeing 737-800.

Terima kasih sudah membaca, semoga menyenangkan. See ya!

PS : This article also can be read at

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